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Teltonika RUTX50 – Failover / Load Balancing

Reading time 3 minutes

Aktualisiert – December 29, 2024

Some Teltonika routers, including the RUTX50, provide the functionalities Failover and Load balancing available.

Failover offers the possibility to switch to another connection type if one fails, e.g. from a WLAN access point to mobile data, or from WAN (e.g. Starlink) to mobile data, even automatic switching between all conditions is possible.

Load balancing serves to increase the bandwidth, for example by using WAN and WLAN or LTE in parallel, using both bandwidths together. However, this does not refer to ONE connection, ONE client.
For example, if a download is initiated by client A, load balancing will not complete it any faster. But if another client B starts a Zoom meeting, for example, this is handled via the other channel and does not slow down the ongoing download from client A.

Failover and Load balancing can only be used exclusively and cannot be used simultaneously, even if the configuration page suggests otherwise.

Failover configuration

To activate the Failoverfunction, all you have to do is activate the corresponding interfaces by setting the respective switches to “on”.
The example here is the most common variant: WAN first and LTE second. By default, traffic is routed via WAN. If WAN fails, LTE is automatically activated; if WAN returns, LTE is deactivated and WAN is activated.

Network – Failover

Under Fashion the function is set Failover OR Load balancing.

Die konkreten Vorgaben wann Failover aktiv werden soll, werden mit Klick auf Edit festgelegt.

Interface configuration

Under Interface configuration wird hier z.B. festgelegt, dass alle 3 Sekunden (Interval) ein Test durchgeführt werden soll, für den die folgende Regel (Rule) definiert, dass ein Ping auf die IP Adresse (Track IP) ausgeführt wird.


Der Wert 1 (Reliability) setzt voraus dass exakt ein Host auf genau einen (Count) Ping keine Antwort gibt. Ist dies 3-fach (Up / Down) der Fall, dann wird angenommen, dass die Verbindung disconnected ist und damit die eingangs definiterte Interface configuration Flush connection onDisconnected“ greift und auf die mobile Datenverbindung ausweicht. Ist der Ping jedoch 3-fach erfolgreich (Up), bleiben WAN on-line and mob1s1a1 standby.

By clicking on the button Save & Apply (Save & Apply) the changes will be saved and take effect.

Load balancing configuration

Particular attention is paid to the “Ratio” parameter. It determines the traffic share that the respective interface takes over.

With a ratio of 1 and 1 (= 2), half of the traffic is distributed to interface 1 (WAN) and 2 (LTE). A ratio of 9 (WAN) and 1 (LTE) (= 10) results in a split of 90 % (nine tenths) WAN and 10 % (one tenth) LTE usage.

Network – load balancing

Here, under Fashion the function Load balancing chosen.

By clicking on the button Save & Apply (Save & Apply) the changes will be saved and take effect.

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