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Updated – July 31, 2024
Last update:12.07.2024
Water – The Marketing Idea? In times of increasing uncertainty, growing skepticism, increasing health risks and drinking water as a scarce commodity - there is a business to be made out of it.
The idea: offer filter systems, decorate the product descriptions with scientific-sounding “technology” names, package the technology in elegant aluminum or stainless steel housings and offer them for sale for up to four-digit euro ranges.
We talk about micro, nano and molecular filters. Micro and nano filters filter components down to 0.01 µm, while molecular filters represent the osmosis membrane, which standard filters down to 0.0001 µm.
So anyone who believes that more expensive means better will be more inclined towards higher-priced offers. And who else? energized, busy, restructured If you prefer water, these keywords will prick up your ears and be prepared to dig a little deeper into your pockets.
But what is behind these seemingly full-bodied advertising claims? For a better understanding of what follows, please refer to the article in advance Differences in water qualities referred.
ps No, I am not affiliated with, commissioned or benefited in any other way from any of the companies mentioned here. This blog is only intended to create factual comparison options and encourage people to critically question advertising claims.
Provider information
If you look for information about the technologies mentioned on the websites of various providers, you will rarely find what you are looking for. Some manufacturers are listed below in alphabetical order.
Alb filter
The company Blaufactor GmbH & CoKG offers for the household-, shower and camping needs different filter variants. They do not pursue osmosis technology, but rather rely on simple, but - with test protocol proven(!) effective filter technologies that comply with clinical standards (ASTM-F838-15A) are certified.
The bacteriological one report In terms of filtering, shows a reduction in enterococci (> 300,000 CFU/100ml) and legionella (> 400,000 CFU/100ml) with respect to enterococci 0 and legionella < 2, consistently consistent over a period of almost 6 months.
The Nano-Cartridge filters with 0.1 μm at a throughput of 11 L/min ActivePlus+ with 0.7 μm at a throughput of 6 L/min and the Active-Cartridge with 10 μm at a throughput of 9 L/min. The change interval is 4 months.
All filter housings are made of cleanly crafted stainless steel and can be cascaded to save space without additional installation material.
At BestWater the name says it all. This is how it will be brochure e.g. the device Fountain of Youth 33-00 Ultimate proclaimed under the heading “Unbeatable Values”:
„The BestWater water filters have always impressed with their performance in permeate production. This also applies to the Fountain of Youth 33-00 ULTIMATE. This produces up to 150 liters of the best, purest drinking water per day, i.e. 6.25 liters per hour. At the same time, the permeate (ultra-pure water) to retentate (wastewater) ratio is 1:2.5. In plain language: One liter of the best water is produced from three liters of water from the tap.„
The term Ultrapure water is defined according to Wikipedia with the following values:
- Conductivity ≤ 1.1 μS/cm at 20 °C
- Bacterial Endotoxins <0.25 IE/ml (corresponds to around 25 ng/l)
- Total organic carbon (TOC) ≤ 0.5 mg/l
- nitrate ≤ 0.2 mg/l
Industrial The definition for ultrapure water according to Millipor standardization applies:
- Specific resistance: ≤ 18.2 MΩ cm
- TOC*: ≤ 10 ppb**
- Free of particles > 0.2 μm
- Bacteria: <1 CFU/ml***
* TOC (total organic carbon)
** Parts per trillion
*** CFU (Colony Forming Units)
The Technical data sheet is silent about the filters used. Just that Product photo shows that, in addition to the osmosis membrane, an activated carbon pre-filter, a sediment pre-filter with 20 µm and a so-called Aqua-Lith Crystal Energy module are installed.
In the prospectus Water refinement This unit is explained as follows:
„In the Aqua-Lith Crystal Energy module, the osmosis water first flows through a layer of micro-silicon crystals. Here the water is set into a high-frequency oscillation via the programmed biophoton energy. In addition, the energized water is swirled by zeolite mineral. Millions of years old, pure crystalline water is stored in this volcanic rock. Its valuable information is also transferred to the water. This way it regains its original strength and vitality and tastes like fresh spring water.„
Wikipedia describes the zeolite used by BestWater (quote from the above brochure: “The most valuable zeolite, which is also used in BestWater’s fountain of youth systems, is the so-called clinoptilolite”) as “The group of clinoptilolites is one of the most frequently occurring zeolites and plays a major role industrially.” It is not clear from the brochure which of the three compositions of the clinoptilolites it is (clinoptilolite-Ca, clinoptilolite-K or clinoptilolite-Na).
Regarding the advertising statement that the water produced is ultrapure water and the water is characterized by “programmed biophoton energy is set into a high-frequency oscillation“, a request was sent to BestWater. All correspondence is here reproduced.
The only facts that remain, even after the correspondence - which was unfortunately fruitless in terms of information content - are the activated carbon filter and the 20 µm sediment pre-filter, in addition to the standard osmosis membrane with 0.0001 µm.
Company products Crystallus promises “water like fresh from the Gebigsquelle”, “unique products for your enjoyment and well-being”. The product line is primarily aimed at supplying domestic water and drinking water and is not a reverse osmosis system.
What should be positively emphasized is the visual appearance of the systems on offer in bare stainless steel. With the statement “The secret of Crystallus: Integration of filtration and structuring,” the company follows the trend, mentioning, among other things, “As early as 2012, an expert commented on our products: “The water samples after activated carbon treatment and revitalization (…) showed particularly good radiesthetic properties found (one might be inclined to speak of “healing” water).”
Measurable facts can ultimately be found in the data sheets of the filters offered under the menu item “Products and Service”, there under “Crystallus filter sets”, for example this data sheet the Crystallus Home series. Here you can find out that fine matter filters of 1 µm are installed. The remaining filters are so-called resin filters of 10 µm, which are used to remove, for example, lime, nitrite/nitrate, as well as iron and manganese.
Microplastics are particles smaller than 5 mm and nanoplastics are particles smaller than 1 µm.
mrwater GmbH
mrwater GmbH, founded by Erich Meidert, studied sports, owned a real estate company, is involved in regional football (source) and offers water filter systems: one with a choice of 6 to 10 filter stages and a 3-litre storage tank for just under 1,000 euros, as well as two others, each with "UVC LED for germ protection" and a total of 7 stages for around 2,500 euros, or one further stage for around 3,200 euros.
The website is very comprehensive, while there is no data on the filter cartridges used, the UVC LED or the Bio-energy module Only the “Germ barrier" is with "LOG6 Standard“ classified.
“LOG” means logarithmic and "6" indicates an elimination rate of > 99.9999 %. LOG 4 would correspond to > 99.99 %. The currently best filter performance is achieved by systems with LOG 9, corresponding to a rate of > 99.9999999 %.
Since you don't want to buy a pig in a poke, I asked mrwater GmbH by email about the data sheets. After they sent me, very quickly, only links to website content, but not the requested data sheets, I asked again for the same, and also for an explanation of how the water was filtered through the "Bio-energy model“ „with natural high-energy spring water information“ „charged“ and the Dose data (mJ/cm2) the "UVC LED“ (relevant for the assessment of possible photoreactivation by the photolyases. Bacterial or viral DNA damaged by UV-C can repair the genetic damage caused by its own repair mechanisms. A much higher dose must therefore be applied if this photoreactivation is to be reliably prevented.)
The statement on the additional demand concerning the bio-energy module was “And no, we will NOT tell you our trade secret about how our Bio Energy Module is charged. But as the water flows past the programmed granules, it is enriched with the information stored in them. As a result, we have the beautiful crystal formation according to Emoto.„
Regarding the requested dosage information, the question was “what do you mean by dosage information?” and after explanation (see above), no further information has been provided so far.
The data sheets for the filter stages … are still pending.
Similar to the company BestWater (see above), the manufacturer remains devoid of concrete data on its advertising claims, despite explicit, repeated inquiries, in its always timely May communication (here in the original) guilty.
MyAqua offers various Reverse osmosis systems, also with “UV lamp” and “energization”.
The “Tested brand filter systems from myAqua” are highlighted with an excerpt from a laboratory report (without naming the laboratory carrying out the work / original certificate; when asked by telephone it was explained that the laboratory charges a fee for the publication of analyses) to the extent that “the heavy metal uranium is filtered out of the water during filtering can be".
Since all radioactivity binds to particles, every high-quality osmosis membrane also filters out these particles and thus removes any adhering radioactive substances.
Except for the rudimentary ones Declarations No further technical data will be published for the operating voltage “socket 220 V” and “power/consumption: 16W”. The information relevant to the effectiveness of the UV-C treatment regarding the exposed Radiation dose, measured in mJ/cm2, missing.
Telephone information revealed that a Philips UV-C lamp was used and that a sufficiently high radiation dose was achieved with a flow rate of up to around 8 liters per hour, which is certainly true. Unfortunately, this conclusion is left to the interested party, instead of immediately concretizing the information on the website.
myAqua also offers a “Water converter“, which is intended to carry out “intensive water revitalization with high frequencies”. There is also a lack of evidence for this.
Pi Power
Even in the “small print” you rarely find anything specific. The notable exception so far is Pi Power, which - without a long search - present the following information immediately and clearly (!) at the bottom left of every website:
This note actually reflects the current state of science and can be understood as an exemplary and sincere statement.
A registered trademark, the ® behind the respective abbreviation or term, initially suggests to the casual reader a unique selling point that the competitor in comparison apparently does not have. The fact that this is nothing more than just the registration of a trademark, which does not make any statement of a qualitative nature, is often not noticed. One could safely ignore such labeling.
The manufacturer Purway is limited to pure facts. Filter of a minimum of 0.02 µm in, for example, a 7-stage system, therefore the greatest possible protection of the 0.0001 µm osmosis membrane, without specifying percentages. Upon request, one will be sent immediately data sheet provided, which shows specific test conditions and measurement data.
The very broad product portfolio includes various filter types and 3- to 7-stage, tankless osmosis systems in standard and designer versions and at a very realistic price. Follow-up costs are kept to a minimum thanks to inexpensive replacement filters that are still of high quality.
Filters are offered for rain, well, house and aquarium water, some in surface and under-table versions, as well as for removing the following pollutants:
- arsenic
- Balteria
- Lead
- chlorine
- Deineralization
- iron
- lime
- copper
- Drug residues
- Organic pollutants
- Pesticides
- Remineralization
- sediment
At Purway you limit yourself to the essentials, straightforward, clear and concise.
Smardy blue
A pleasant website with clear, basic information, also regarding the filter cartridges used with regard to Data The filtering capacity leaves nothing to be desired. All relevant information is provided as a matter of course - without having to explicitly ask the manufacturer: 1st stage 5 µm, 2nd stage activated carbon with 1 µm, osmosis membrane 0.0001 µm.
The offered Osmosis systems are priced between 600 and 1,000 euros, have a three-stage design (three cartridges), with the first and last cartridges being combination cartridges and each integrating two filter elements. The osmosis membrane with a capacity of 75 or 100 GPD (gallons per day, corresponding to 11.8 or 15.75 liters/h) comes from Dow (Filmtec™).
Note: the choice of 4 or 5 drinking water temperatures (cooling or heating). A 1-litre storage tank holds water - which is not without controversy, as it allows germs to grow without downstream UV-C clarification. It is not for nothing that you should only enjoy osmosis water once the osmosis cartridge has been completely filled with fresh water.
The three higher priced models also have a UV-C device. However, the website is silent about the Dose data (mJ/cm2) of the UV-C unit (the manufacturer was contacted by email and asked for information; as soon as we receive a response, the result will be announced here).
Short update: I received a very friendly call back on July 16, 2024. The request was forwarded to the responsible person for response. A service that some competitors could take positive cues from.
Smardy blue also uses the – optionally available – “transfer of bioenergetic fields” to restore “the bioenergetic quality” of the water and proves this with the – non-scientific – Colorplate®-Test according to Dr. Knapp, a variant of Kirlian photography.
The manufacturer Truu presents only two pieces of information as the sole information on filter performance:
- 8 Finishing stages
- 99 % of all pollutants are filtered out
What type of “refinement stages” are remains a mystery at first. The statement “99% of all pollutants” seems suspicious because the word “until” would be more appropriate to the circumstances. No information about specific laboratory data and test conditions is disclosed on the website. The term “refining” is not protected and suggests a special quality that manufacturers usually do not have to prove.
The filter stages used are specified in a brochure - which is only handed over personally: A filter structure with 5 µm and 1 µm, the usual osmosis membrane, an activated carbon filter to improve the taste with a downstream UV-C clarifier - known as a germ barrier - was installed .
A “lock” suggests 100 percent blocking. However, the brochure statement regarding the “deactivation of germs, viruses, bacteria and microorganisms that penetrate from outside” only shows 99 %. Information on the applied UV-C dose (fluence) cannot be provided, even upon special request. Since the system produces 800 GPD (3028 liters/day) and the UV-C unit is very small in comparison, it can be assumed that photoreactivation is not taken into account, especially since, on the one hand, the net reactor volume, the radiation output is too low and the flow rate is too low may be too high.
A water analysis provided – expressly “unofficially” – shows a detailed list of various pollutants. However, due to the lack of availability of the water used at the input and its quantified components - which cannot be obtained even upon request - no conclusions can be drawn about the efficiency of the filtering.
EM (Effective Microorganisms) are used to “restructure” the osmosis water in ceramic pipes, as well as a V4A corrugated pipe to “revitalize” it through “3D turbulence”.
The extent to which these measures actually achieve the intended purpose has not yet been scientifically proven.
The structure of the system is very clean, clear and user- and maintenance-friendly. The use of comparatively “coarse” filters with only 1 µm results in the osmosis membrane having to be replaced sooner than when using finer filters of 0.02 µm, for example, and thus in more expensive operation than necessary.
The often cited ability to restructure water attributed to EM study above Anti-Inflammatory and Immunostimulatory Effects of Extract from Culture of Effective Microorganisms (ECEM) Revealed by Functional Genomics and Metabolome Analyzes , published in Food and Nutrition Sciences Vol.06 No.12(2015) by Masaki Shintani, Fusako Mitsunaga, Shun Shimabukuro and Shin Nakamura, however, refers not on a “restructuring” of water molecules!
Source Diamond
Urquelle Diamant® GmbH distributes Water filters / osmosis systems for an impressive 3,799 euros, or 1,899 euros for the mobile version.
As with many other competitors, advertising claims such as Renaturation and Energization The systems themselves (stationary and mobile) are of solid quality and cleanly constructed, similar to the aforementioned Truu systems.
The same arguments are used as “evidence” for the effectiveness of the advertised renaturation and energization as, for example, mrwater GmbH put forward.
Data on the filter inserts are mostly not published, only in the case of the mobile system it is mentioned that a 0.01 µm filter filters out “germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites”, which is correct.
The Dow osmosis membrane (Filmtec™), installed in the stationary system, has the typical (but not mentioned) 0.00001 µm.
The company's product descriptions Walutec leaves out concrete percentages, but also information about the pore sizes of the filters offered, in their texts. Walutec only describes the configuration and function of the filters used, the UV-C module, and also relies on restructuring and levitation of the water. In addition, the device should be “harmonized” with regard to electrical smog and harmful radiation at level S13 (however, regulations for emissions from electrical devices are set out in DIN VDE 0100-444, among others, and must therefore necessarily be taken into account by manufacturers.). Additionally, reference is made to certifications, for example: DIN EN ISO 13408-2:2018 DE (Aseptic Manufacturing of Healthcare Products (Part 2 - Sterile Filtration) or the American Standards NSF/ANSI 53 and 42.
Measurement data...
The filter results are similar for all standardized osmosis filter cartridges and correspond to the above-mentioned 0.0001 µm. Depending on the load on the water supplied, the osmosis water at the outlet contains, depending on the substance, 0.. 16 % of the particles dissolved in the water supplied.
Bacteria, microorganisms and viruses are almost completely filtered out with 99 %. Anyone who is looking for 100 % security cannot avoid one UV-C system with an emission of 254 nm (taking into account the required dose (fluence)).
According to the regulations of DVGW W 294-2 / ÖVGW M 5873-1 the dose for drinking water is 400 J/m2, in the food industry 600 .. 800 J/m2, the pharmaceutical industry 800 .. 1,600 J/m2 required. By the way, Restozone is available with doses of 800 to 1,200 J/m2 completely removed.
When taking measurements, it should be noted that the sample is only taken after the filter volume has been completely replaced so that any water previously contained has been displaced by the full osmotic pressure in front of the membrane. As soon as the pressure drops, the osmosis effect is reversed and pollutants diffuse again into the previously osmotically purified water.
In practice, this means that “pure” water can only be withdrawn once this residual volume has been exchanged.
The difference
So what is the actual difference between the various offers?
Ultimately, the decisive factor is the filter performance of the filters used, the conveying capacity depending on requirements, the processing quality and, lastly, the space required and/or appearance.
It is easy to compare apples with apples, IF you are provided with the details, i.e. data about the filters used.
It is therefore advisable to contact the manufacturers for information on this matter.
On the other hand, you shouldn't be impressed by perfectly styled websites and bold advertising promises. A healthy dose of skepticism is appropriate if you want to get solid performance for your money. Anyone who offers a solid product can also disclose laboratory data and test reports.
No company secrets worth protecting are revealed here, but only the performance of the respective filters is documented. This should be something that one can insist on. Manufacturers are welcome to take this as an appeal to present their products in a comparable manner. Transparency pays off, as does mythology - unfortunately...
Those who argue with “company secrets” when it comes to disclosing data often seem to have nothing to say because there are no solid facts behind them.
Ultimately, patents were created to protect groundbreaking inventions, and any manufacturer is free to claim protection by filing a patent application.
If fear-inducing arguments are used, cautious action and healthy skepticism towards the claims made are certainly advisable.
Fear has always been an effective tool to make people act in a certain way and question their own thinking.
Please note
Amount of water to be discarded
When removing water, the content corresponding to the content of the osmosis cartridge must be discarded, because – without downstream UV-C level – the water may have become contaminated again in the meantime. This must first be rinsed out before the water taken has the desired quality.
Conductivity measurement
Anyone who has a conductivity meter will notice a drop in conductivity when water is being taken. The time until the lowest measured value is reached corresponds to the amount to be discarded.
(Reverse) osmosis water is so pure that manufacturers of good systems enrich the water with minerals, remineralizing it. If installed, this happens after the osmosis membrane, in the last filter stage, before it is taken from the tap.
Why is remineralization important?
The body's own “water” contains many vital minerals. If you supply the body with water that does not contain any minerals, physics ensures that the mineral deficiency in the water supplied is compensated for by removing minerals from the supposed surplus in the body. This process, which is harmful to humans, although physically logical, must be avoided through remineralization.
The use of systems without remineralization should be avoided unless you add a remineralization stage and introduce it into the hose system behind the osmosis membrane.
Like all filters, the remineralization stage has a limited capacity and should therefore be replaced more frequently.
Another way to compensate for the mineral deficit is to take appropriate nutritional supplements. However, this may be the most financially complex solution.