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Radiesthesia and related topics

Reading time 5 minutes

Updated – December 6, 2023

What is meant by radiesthesia? First of all, the term comes from Latin radius (ray) and the Greek αἴσθησις (aisthesis – sensory perception).

Since around the middle of the 19th century, dowsing has been concerned with detecting earth and interference rays, water veins using a (divining) rod (a Y-shaped branch or correspondingly bent wire) or a (sidereal - Latin. sidereus, sidus, related to the stars; pendere, hanging) pendulum (any object, such as ball, ring) hanging on a thread.

A modification of the rod is the so-called biotensor (polarized test device, which is based on radionically polarized charge states that are recorded through the skin, evaluated by the thalamus and transferred to the same through indulation resonance (source), which carries a ring attached to the tip of a flexible metal rod and is held on a round rod, which is also metal. As part of the bioplasma theory (this refers to all life processes as a result of the Big Bang and energetically atomic (source).
A bioresonance device uses this as part of bioresonance therapy (also Morabiophysical information- or Multiresonance therapy called) as a sensor to determine the positive or negative effects of various substances on the test subject.

Geopathy deals with the supposedly harmful effects of earth rays in certain locations.

The swings of the rod or pendulum indicate the presence of the above-mentioned factors, with the pendulum also an affirmation (vertical swing) or negative (horizontal swing) of any question.
The width of the rash is considered an indicator of the quantity. The rod also captures the life energy (source) Unit of measurement Bovis used (named after the French physicist Alfred Bovis (1871 - 1947). However, the measure of a Bovis unit is not defined, so the information is chosen arbitrarily.


Now that a rough overview of dowsing and related areas has been given, it would be helpful to examine the publications, which are often exuberant and peppered with scientific terms, for well-founded, reproducible results. However, these cannot be found.

When commuting, the pendulum swing can be influenced by third parties: for example, a radiesthete broke off a session with the words “something is bothering the pendulum”. A third person present had silently asked their own questions and the pendulum answered them.
From a medical perspective, the muscles holding the pendulum are tense. It can be set in motion involuntarily by the person holding it. In addition, the radiesthete’s mentally predetermined “desired” answer can cause the pendulum to swing in the appropriate direction. This is even more so when the person asking the question is both the person affected and the holder of the pendulum.
From an occultist point of view, the decision gives the correct answer.

Even in events with prize money to which several hundred radiesthetes were invited, no one was found who was able to deliver reliable, reproducible results in a double-blind study.

The Bovis unit is also not specifically defined. The values mentioned are therefore fictitious and cannot be objectively verified.

Earth radiation, as it is propagated, can be switched off, for example, with a glass of water within a radius of about one meter around the location where the water glass is set up, thereby preventing cancer from developing. Although Austria has a high density of these seemingly esoteric topics, reports My health critical, very in keeping with today's general tenor: “Fear is a good way to do business” and thus goes to the heart of the matter.

Analogous to the politics of the last two or three years, fear serves the profit of the initiators, the better control of people, for example through excessive regulation, even under threat of punishment, exclusion and isolation with all negative effects in wide areas and thus the achievement of the objectives of the profiteers.

The search …

If astrology, Buddhism, Channeling (including questioning the dead, energy/angel work), Feng Shui, card reading, kinesiology, manticism, mediality, Reiki (holistic healing), regressions, Shamanism, fortune telling, yoga or Zen, all promise certainty, healing, peace and contentment, but they also demand adherence to strict rules. They subject people to rules, demand constant further development, gradual advancement in order to supposedly get closer to the desired goal.
Often people who submit to these rules initially actually do better: they get by on extremely little sleep and food, feel fitter than ever, reach their dream weight and improve themselves more with every training, every course and every event. And because they rise higher and higher, they have to keep making the effort to pursue one ideal after another. This means that at some point total collapse will become inevitable and will fall upon them with power. At this point they reach the crossroads of seeking or finding.

... and finding it

People tend to believe that it is up to them, and primarily their own efforts, to become better, healthier, fairer, more enlightened, or whatever. To do this, he submits to all sorts of regulations, such as how monks used to chastise themselves, buy indulgences or candles, and pray rosaries and prayers as penitential measures in order to pay for his sins and - for the moment - achieve justice before God. After all, the next sin was not far away and the coin in the box would ring again.

If we go back in time a few thousand years, we find hundreds of commandments in the Old Testament of the Bible and also ways to regain righteousness before God in the event of a transgression by making sacrifices.

Even back then, all legalities did not help against people's free will, which was increasingly characterized by stubbornness and egoism and was a master at making up excuses.

The flood put an abrupt end to this activity and shortened people's life expectancy to about a tenth. You might think that God had said to himself that if I continue to give those down there so much time to live, they will soon manage to ruin the earth and themselves. From today's perspective, one might think that “those down there” can do that in no time, even with their significantly shorter lifespan.

Well, back to the topic. After the first attempt at man's freedom of will failed, but man himself was still the same and so was God, a different strategy was needed to make man, despite his inadequacies (sins), righteous before God.

God sent his son Jesus to earth, allowed him to live and teach there. If you imagine that Jesus was still here on earth today, you would probably... it's easy to ask him, what should I do, can you make me well, help me? Or, even better: if I just touch the hem of your clothes, I will be healed. So don't ask hesitantly, but rather state knowingly, because He has never refused help!

Even though Jesus allowed his disciples to experience a wide variety of miracles and also announced that they would be able to do much greater things than he, small faith was still omnipresent. If we imagine that we saw Jesus standing on the water and telling us that we should step out of the boat into the surging sea in the storm and come to Him, would we dare to take the step? Paul dared, walked on water, like Jesus. But when he looked at the waves, he was in danger of drowning. If he looked at Jesus again, he could continue to meet him. Faith moves mountains or makes the impossible possible.

What does this example tell us? When we look at our circumstances, we hardly see any ground beneath our feet, but mostly the problems and difficulties that we are currently struggling with. We toil and toil - and yet we don't get anywhere. Everyday life has us completely under control with its problems. We can't do it alone, with our own strength. We sink, end up in burnout, and in the worst case, end in suicide.

Now there are two paths that present themselves to us. One leads via the above. Practices that ostensibly help out of the misery, but ultimately take their toll. But the other way saves without any ifs and buts, because it leads to God's grace.

Grace – an almost unbelievable word today. Where does mercy come before justice? Where is law really justice anymore?

Now Jesus comes into play. He, as the Son of God, paid for all of our sins, past, present and even future, once and for all with his death on the cross. We don't need or can do anything more to become righteous before God's eyes, we already are.
We don't need to make an effort, to fulfill this or that, to overcome limits here or there in our consciousness, to reach higher levels. No, we just need to look to Jesus, believe Him, trust Him and claim His grace. Not more. That's actually all!
We have already experienced salvation through His death, resurrection and all-encompassing grace, and the Holy Spirit guides us today, just as Jesus once did in the flesh. The adversary who draws people under his spell with the above-mentioned practices and demands tribute for alleged help no longer has power over us who recognize Jesus as our Lord. We are free in Jesus name!

It is up to each individual to accept this offer from God and become free, no matter how deeply they are in the clutches of Satan. Jesus is stronger, he has defeated the powers of darkness. Jesus saves if you ask him, NOW.

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