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Mail traffic - mrwater GmbH

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The chronological sequence of mail correspondence with mrwater GmbH is listed here:


  • Mail from 11.07.2024 18:53 to

Unfortunately, the send button on your contact form does not work (for me), so please send me a copy:

They offer water filter / reverse osmosis systems.

Unfortunately, nowhere on your extensive website can I find information on the filter stages installed, their filtering capacity (my) and their technical data (flow rate per time unit, service life, contamination of the water in the storage tank, etc.).

Can you please send me the relevant data sheets by e-mail?

Many thanks in advance!


  • Mail reply from mrwater GmbH dated 12.07.2024 09:23

The technical data can be found on the HP of each product on

Here are the links:

Info and Installation diagram and video to : Arctica water filter - misterwater® - Our bestseller - all in one - space-saving and powerful - easy installation - low annual maintenance - filtration level 98 - 99 %

Info and Installation diagram and video to : Futura water filter - misterwater® - purified hexagonal water For beginners - works without electricity - low noise - super easy filter change -

Info and Installation diagram and video to : Hydrogen water Hydrogen Power Generator - misterwater® - Hydrogen enrichment : Antioxidant water - Maximum power - Super soft water

Info and Installation diagram and video to : Silver Star water filter - misterwater® - Our flagship - Extreme water performance at an affordable price - Filtration grade 99 % + - Maximum comfort

Installation and operating instructions for our products : Operating instructions and installation instructions misterwater - misterwater®

Here is the link to our small knowledge library on the subject of water: Blog - misterwater®

You can find our online store here: Your online store for water filter systems | misterwater®

Information about :

Alchimator : Hexagonal water from the Alchimator - misterwater®

Bio-energy module : Hexagonal water with the bio-energy module - misterwater®

Lourdes Generator : Hydrogen water Lourdes generator - misterwater®

HG Mini : Hydrogen water Hydrogen mini - misterwater®

Faucet : Taps - Misterwater GmbH | misterwater®

Easyquell : Domestic water improvement with the Easyquell - misterwater®

For further questions we can also talk on the phone 🙂

Have a nice weekend,

  • Mail from 12.07.2024 09:31 to

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The information provided is not new, but simply the content of your website.

My request concerns the Data sheets of the water filter cartridges used.

With regard to the "bio-energy module", please also define how information is imprinted on the water and what the contents of this cartridge are.

Thank you in advance!

  • Mail reply from mrwater GmbH dated 12.07.2024 09:45

I have forwarded your request to the technicians.

And no, we will NOT tell you our trade secret about how our Bio Energy Module is charged. But as the water flows past the programmed granules, it is enriched with the information stored in them. As a result, we have the beautiful crystal formation according to Emoto.

Have a nice weekend,

  • Mail from 12.07.2024 09:31 to

In addition to my request for a data sheet: With regard to the UVC-Led, the corresponding data sheet is of course also of interest, as here too - unfortunately - all the information is missing.

Anyone who wants to buy one of your systems should also be able to compare them. Without the relevant data, however, an objective comparison is impossible and the customer is forced to buy a pig in a poke ...

  • Mail from 12.07.2024 09:57 to

Addendum: regarding UVC-Led the dose is missing, the other, purely technical data are mentioned.

  • Mail reply from mrwater GmbH dated 12.07.2024 10:57

What do you mean by dose indication?

I have attached 2 PDF's about the UVC.

Note PDF: 1. Instructions UVC LED XENIA Status Feb 2022 and 2. FAQs UVC LED XENIA 09_2021

  • Mail from 12.07.2024 11:10 to

by this I mean the radiation dose in mJ/cm2.

... and don't forget the filter data sheets 😉 ...

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