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Aktualisiert – July 12, 2024
Hier ist der chronologische Ablauf von Mailverkehr, wie Telefonate mit der Fa. BestWater aufgeführt:
- Email from August 30, 2023 10:42 p.m. to
Very honored women and men,
You advertise your products in your brochure Fountain of Youth 33-00 Ultimate, among others with the following feature:
“At the same time, the permeate (ultra-pure water) to retentate (wastewater) ratio is 1:2.5.”
This raises the question of how to deal with the filters used, ultimately the (finest of the ones used) Osemosmembrane Ultrapure water produce.
In the prospectus Aqua-Lith Crystal Energy you write:
“Here the water is set into a high-frequency oscillation via the programmed biophoton energy.”
Can you please support these statements with relevant evidence?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
- Telephone call from September 6th, 2023 2:54 p.m. with an employee at the switchboard, request due to. above mentioned email
The email was not received, I should send it to After sending it again, it was received. The employee explained that the phrase “pure water” means “purest water.” He knew nothing about classifications of water. He was unable to provide any information regarding biophoton energy and suggested forwarding the email to management.
- Email response from management (GL) from September 13th, 2023 9:25 a.m. to my email from August 30th, 2023 10:42 p.m
The email contains - without comment - the following documents (1, 2, 3), but no answer to my specific inquiries.
- Mail to GL from September 13th, 2023 10:48
Dear …,
Thanks for the information, but it doesn't contain any concrete (verifiable) data. All it does is make extensive claims, none of which have any evidence to back them up.
They also do not respond to my two questions, the answers to which are not provided in the documents provided:
“Ultra-pure water” and “programmed biophoton energy set into a high-frequency oscillation”.
I would like to ask you to substantiate these two statements in your documents with facts.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
- Addendum to the above email to GL on September 13th, 2023 10:59
in addition to the two - original - questions asked again in my reply email:
In your brochure dated September 2nd, 2020 attached to your reply email, you advertise the “relief of radioactivity from the water”, which suggests to the unbiased interested party that radioactivity from the water is – at least – filtered out/reduced. Here I would like to ask for appropriate measurement protocols as proof.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
- Email response from management (GL) from September 13th, 2023 5:00 p.m
We have a movie, but it's 140 MB
Do you also have Telegram
Sincerely, / Kind regards
- Mail to GL from September 13th, 2023 7:27 p.m
It's nice that you have a film, but it won't provide me with the documents as evidence of your advertising claims, which I have requested - so far without any result. Your brochures also consist of advertising claims without any evidence.
Please simply send me the relevant evidence as a PDF, that will be completely sufficient for me!
Best regards
- Email from GL from September 14th, 2023 12:45 p.m
Hello …
Don't have a Bestwater advisor
That can explain the whole thing to you
How did you find out about us?
- Email reply from September 14, 2023 6:26 p.m
Hello …,
The Internet is full of companies that make offers similar to yours, some with more information, some with less.
Since I am looking for comparable systems and am therefore primarily interested in facts rather than unprovable advertising claims, these are the ones that are important to me.
And – quite honestly: if you as a sales/manufacturer are not able to provide such information, any “advisor” will not be able to provide it either (because a consultant can only impart as much knowledge as he receives from the manufacturer).
So - now for the last time, before I have to assume that your questioned advertising claims are without any substance: please provide the facts that unequivocally prove your statements.
Best regards
- Email from GL from September 14th, 2023 8:54 p.m
Here you will find all the certificates you need
- Email reply from September 14th, 2023 9:09 p.m
sorry, but I did NOT ask about CE certificates…
Now that all of my inquiries have met with obvious incompetence from you, all that remains for me to conclude is:
Your advertising statements regarding the questions asked must be without substance, especially if, after repeated, specific inquiries, it seems impossible for you to support them with facts in order to prove the claimed properties.
It's a shame, I would have been happy if you had backed up the claims with facts. But so far they are at the bottom of the list of different manufacturers of such systems.
Best regards
- Email from GL from September 14th, 2023 10:30 p.m
On this page you have 100 different certificates to look down on
No company in the world has as many certificates as Bestwater
Didn't you get the whole PDF file????
Sincerely, / Kind regards
- Email reply from September 15, 2023 9:09 a.m
sorry, I didn't see the attached information regarding Cs-137 from IUT.
The screenshots are attached twice.
The “floating particles”, as you correctly write, are retained by the osmosis membrane. However, this is a - general - property of an osmosis membrane that it filters out particles, whether radioactively contaminated or not, up to a size of 0.0001 µm.
This property therefore does not represent a unique selling point.
The CE certification is a mandatory certification and therefore does not represent a unique selling point.
EMC/EMF and DIN compliance are also standard for electrically powered devices. (I designed, built and sold a medical-technical device myself, so I know the approval procedure including MedGV approval.)
Best regards
- Email from GL from September 15, 2023 3:57 p.m
Hello …
How we filter out radioactive particles is our company secret
This result is certified to us
Our facilities operate in several embassies around the world and government buildings
They checked the systems themselves
I believe you that you have designed medical-technical equipment
I have been producing reverse osmosis since 1988 and have brought it to almost perfection
If you find a filter on the world market that only has 50 % of what Bestwater has, you will get a new one from me otherwise
I have also made a few world patents in my life
One of them is the first car in the world that can produce drinking water itself
Sincerely, / Kind regards